

How to pronounce Vietnamese correctly for foreigners
How to pronounce Vietnamese correctly for foreigners

Pronunciation is the most difficult issue for‎‎ foreigners learning Vietnamese. This lesson will provide you with some tips to pronounce Vietnamese correctly. Let’s check it out!

How to talk about the weather in Vietnamese
How to talk about the weather in Vietnamese

Why does everyone always talk about the weather? That issue appears to be shared by every culture and language. Let’s learn some common Vietnamese communication sentence templates on this topic.

Communicate in Vietnamese when shopping
Communicate in Vietnamese when shopping

Along with the trend of global integration, the demand for shopping and consumption is increasing. Let’s learn some common Vietnamese communication sentence templates on this topic.

Communicate when giving Vietnamese presentations
Communicate when giving Vietnamese presentations

In this article, we will illustrate some common Vietnamese sentence patterns that can make your presentations outstanding. Let’s find out.

Introducing yourself at the first meeting in Vietnamese
Introducing yourself at the first meeting in Vietnamese

The way of greetings is very important to Vietnamese. Knowing that issue, this lesson introduces to you the way of greetings and how to introduce yourself at the first meeting in Vietnamese.

Make Vietnamese words – Part 1
Make Vietnamese words – Part 1

In the last topic, we studied Vietnamese consonant, vowel and tone marks that all made a Vietnamese word. So, today let’s get started to make a Vietnamese word and how to spell it.

Make Vietnamese words – Part 2
Make Vietnamese words – Part 2

In the first lesson, we studied Vietnamese consonant, vowel and tone marks that all made a Vietnamese word. So, today let’s continue to make a Vietnamese word and how to spell it.

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