“Lệ Chi Viên or Lychee Garden Case” is one of the big cases of improprieties in Vietnamese History. It left a lot of questions about Le Thai Tong Emperor’s death. He died at Nguyen Trai’s house with Nguyen Trai’s wife was always beside him. It’s the heart-rending case in Vietnamese that is the inspiration for a lot of movies, books and theatres. Today, let’s listen to the summary of this case.
The big news about “39 people died in British on 24 October 2019” is the saddest news in October with Vietnamese. It shows the dark side of human trafficking in Europe and how illegal immigrants spend their life there. They go there with a dream about a better life but what they get back is the tortured and even their life. Let’s listen about this news and learn Vietnamese, please.
We’d like you to practice listening Vietnamese through media videos that Vietnamese people listen to every day on Youtube and television. Let’s check how much you could listen to it.
“The glorious days” is the Vietnamese movie that told about a group of girl called “The Wild Horses”. Time makes them separate to each other and it like a time machine when one of the girls that now being a woman back to find her friend and want to re-union the “The Wild Horses”. This movie is really a glorious song will make you think of your youth age. Let’s check the trailer with the smile on your mouth.
“Boy, where do you live” is the newest Vietnamese song in 2019. With the romantic melody, simple lyrics and cute MV, it’s really a viral song in social media. Let’s practice to listen and check the lyrics.